
高南  特任研究员


  • 2004-2008 中国科学技术大学物理系,学士
  • 2008-2013 中国科学院大学,博士,微电子学与固体电子学
  • 2013-2017 中国科学院微电子研究所,助理研究员
  • 2017-2020 中国科学院微电子研究所,副研究员
  • 2017-2020 加州大学伯克利分校,访问学者
  • 2020-至今 中国科学技术大学微电子学院,特任研究员
  • 中科院院长特别奖
  • 中科院院长优秀奖
  • 中国真空学会博士优秀论文奖
  • N. Gao, S. -G. Je, M. -Y. Im, J. W. Choi, M. Yang, Q. Li, T. Y. Wang, S. Lee, H. -S. Han, K. -S. Lee, W. Chao, C. Hwang, J. Li, and Z. Q. Qiu, Creation and annihilation of topological meron pairs in a continuous ferromagnetic film, Nature Communications 10, 5603 (2019). —Selected as“Top 50 physics articles from 2019” by Nature Communications.
  • N. Gao, C. Ge, Q. Li, M. Yang, C. Hwang, and Z. Q. Qiu, Tuning magnetic anisotropy of epitaxial Ag/Fe/Fe0.5Co0.5/MgO(001) films, Journal of Applied Physics 124, 153904 (2018).
  • Guangwei Xu+, Nan Gao+, Congyan Lu, et. al, Bulk‐Like Electrical Properties Induced by Contact‐Limited Charge Transport in Organic Diodes: Revised Space Charge Limited Current, Advanced Electronic Materials 4, 1700493 (2018). —+ Co-first author.
  • Nianduan Lu, Nan Gao, Ling Li, and Ming Liu, Temperature, electric-field, and carrier-density dependence of hopping magnetoresistivity in disordered organic semiconductors, Physical Review B 96, 165205 (2017).
  • Nan Gao, Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, Changqing Xie, Ming Liu and Heinz Bassler, A unified percolation model for bipolaron assisted organic magnetoresistance in the unipolar transport regime, Physical Review B 94, 075201 (2016).
  • Ling Li, Nan Gao, Nianduan Lu, Ming Liu, and Heinz Bassler, Spin diffusion in disordered organic semiconductors, Physical Review B 92, 214438 (2015).
  • Nan Gao and Changqing Xie, Free space self-similar beams, Optics Letters 40, 1216 (2015).
  • Nan Gao and Changqing Xie, Parabolic scaling beams, Optics Letters 39, 3619 (2014).
  • Nan Gao, Hailiang Li, Xiaoli Zhu, Yilei Hua, and Changqing Xie, Quasi-periodic gratings: diffraction orders accelerate along curves, Optics Letters 38, 2829 (2013).
  • Nan Gao and Changqing Xie, Experimental demonstration of free-space optical vortex transmutation with polygonal lenses, Optics Letters 37, 3255 (2012).  
  • Nan Gao and Changqing Xie, High-order diffraction suppression using modulated groove position gratings, Optics Letters 36, 4251 (2011).
  • Nan Gao, Changqing Xie, Chun Li, Chunshui Jin, and Ming Liu, Square optical vortices generated by binary spiral zone plates, Applied Physics Letters 98, 151106 (2011).
  • Nan Gao, Yuchao Zhang, and Changqing Xie, Circular Fibonacci gratings, Applied Optics 50, G142 (2011).
  • Nan Gao and Changqing Xie, Topological shaping of light using vortex transmutation, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, 2014.
  • Nan Gao and Changqing Xie, Self-similar parabolic scaling beams in free space, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, 2013.